What is cybersecurity?


In simple term, cybersecurity is the protection of your cyber (or digital) assets or information system from attacks or unauthorised access that are aimed for exploitation. In other words, it means keeping everything you do online safe, so no one steals your financial and personal information to use for their own gain. The panama papers, yahoo hack and Ashley Madison data breaches are to name a few of oraganisations and common people.


The term ‘cybersecurity’ was coined in 1988 as a result of one of the first ever registered online viruses: the Morris worm. The worm caused many computers connected to the internet at the time to slow down to the point that they were unusable. More recently, cybersecurity has come to signify a form of protection from attacks designed to paralyse websites, financial networks and other computer systems; by flooding them with data from outside computer.

Protecting your cyber assets involves three simple principles: Confidentiality, integrity and Availability.


Cybersecurity triad: 

The guiding principle for protecting your cyber assets are:


confidentiality means securing your information so that only authorised users will be able to access and view them. This can be as simple as being aware of your surroundings to make sure that nobody is peeping on your screen from behind which I known as shoulder surfing. You may also use a privacy filter in your computer to minimise the chances of shoulder surfing. Other examples include setting access controls such as login accounts with strong password.


intergrity simply means ensuring the information stays in its orginal from and isn’t modified when transmitted over a network. This includes measures such as protecting your system and data from unauthorised access and running intergrity checks to ensure that critical is not changed.


availability means ensuring that your system stays available to perform its intended function when required. The reason why this is the most impotant principle is because our ultimate goal is to secure our IT assets. It is not meaningful to have a security system which is always down. Measures to increase your system availability include having backups and redundancies.

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Mr. Jaljay