Computer History
- A computer is a programmable device that stores, retrieves, and processes data.
- The given to a mechanical device as they began replacing the human computers.
☝What was the first computer called?
➩ The ENIAC was the first electronic programmable computer built in the U.S. Although the ENIAC was similar to the Colossus, it was much faster, more flexible, and it was Turing-complete.
ENIAC = Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
*ENIAC was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943 .
* Charles Babbage, an English mechanical engineer and polymath, originated the concept of a programmable computer. Considered the "father of the computer", he conceptualized and invented the first mechanical computer in the early 19th century.
* Lots of operating system....
Exp. Windows, Mac, Android, Linux
* Let's talk about computer here most popular operating system is windows..... because lot's people use windows operating system...
* A computer is a device that accepts information and manipulates it for some result based on a program, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed..
*Today's computers have both kinds of programming.
* Computer is very important now a day because computer is very fast and easy find your work, make your life digital, improve your knowledge use a computer......
* Digital computers In contrast to analog computers, digital computers represent information in discrete form, generally as sequences of Os and 1s (binary digits, or bits).
* The modern era of digital computers began in the late 1930s and early 1940s in the United States, Britain, and Germany. The first devices used switches operated by electromagnets (relays).
* Their programs were stored on punched paper tape or cards, and they had limited internal data storage. For historical developments, see the section Invention of the modern computer.
The computer information I had I wrote here which ... there is also a lot of other information ... search Google for more information.
Thanks for visit
Mr. Jaljay